Book Toi Sweeney

Why do you need a signature style? With all of the decisions that you have to make in a day, the last thing you want to worry about is what you're going to wear.

Having a signature style helps to cut back on decision fatigue. Buying something new every time you have an event or important meeting can take up lots of time and money.

Once you know what your style is, and that style is tailored to fit you and only you, you will save money by not buying things that do not fit your personal brand or your image. Every style icon is known for something. In a world where everyone wants to fit in and look Pinterest perfect. You should look like you! Power, beautiful and strong! You are more than enough! Walk in the room as if you believe it!

Use the calendar tool to book your appointment with Toi Sweeney

When you book a Signature Style Consultation with Toi Sweeney, you’ll receive a Personal Style Test that will tell you what your secret style recipe is, along with a 1-on-1 live call with Toi Sweeney.